Vaughan Co., the world’s leading manufacturer of chopper pumps for over 50 years is also the producer of the world’s largest chopper pump – the Vaughan model 12W. The 12W, with its 18″ suction and 12″ discharge is capable of flow rates up to around 2200 m3/hr (611 L/s). This large pump is commonly used in municipal pump station applications and also for the mixing of high-volume anaerobic digesters and sludge tanks as part of Vaughan’s Rotamix System.
As the Vaughan chopper pump is forever proving its value as a reliable and clog-free alternative to conventional solids pumping, Vaughan Co. has recognised the need to expand on its current range and will be releasing an even larger chopper pump to cater for higher flow applications. Due to be released this year, the new Vaughan model 16W will have a 16″ discharge and will be capable of producing flows up to 3,180 m3/hr (approximately 880 L/s). This revolutionary new chopper pump will be available in multiple configurations including dry well and submersible designs, and will be ideal for high flow applications in large local authority pump stations, influent wet wells, wet weather stations and CSO basins among many others.
More updates to follow.